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January: This January, we focused on self-care, in the form of looking after your hearing. We shared some handy tips for looking after your hearing in the cold, which are very relevant at the moment! We also covered how to take care of an earwax build up, which can be a factor that has a major impact on hearing.

February: February was Tinnitus Awareness week, an important occasion for raising awareness of tinnitus. We encouraged our clients to ‘speak out’ about their experiences with tinnitus to help inspire others, which is extremely valuable as it affects 15-20% of adults. We also shared information as to the possible causes, treatments and cures for tinnitus.

March: March saw the return of our popular Hearing Care Academy events , which we’re looking forward to running again in 2023. Our wonderful client Shem Stevens and our manufacturer ReSound joined us at the online event, to share experiences of life with hearing loss and give us an insight in to the technology that can help those with hearing loss achieve a better lifestyle. Keep an eye out for our upcoming event in the New Year!

April: In April, we were excited to welcome you in-store to try the technology for yourself for the launch of Audibel’s new range, Arc AI. The advanced technology includes features such as 2-way audio to stream your voice directly back to your iPhone and iPad, tinnitus relief and a massive A 40% reduction in noise vs. previous technology. We held in-store events to welcome Audibel’s new range, the Arc AI, to our stores, which were a great success. Again, we look forward to more of these events in the coming year.

May: Deaf Awareness Week is in May, and to mark the occasion we wanted to learn more about British Sign Language (BSL). Figures from the British Deaf Association suggest that 151,000 people use BSL in the UK, 87,000 of which are deaf. This figure highlights the importance of recognising BSL as a language and following BSL developments.

June: We put the spotlight on to the Phonak Lyric hearing aid in June, highlighting the benefits of the amazing invisible hearing device. Lyric hearing aids are amazing for those with mild to moderate hearing loss, as they can be worn for extended periods of time and don’t need to be removed day-to-day. Lyric devices also offer improved sound quality, due to their position in the ear canal.

July: July saw a heatwave in the UK, causing some very un-British weather! For those not used to the hotter climates, we shared some tips on managing tinnitus in Summer, as well discussing how to enjoy music with hearing loss for the festival-goers among us. We also hosted a fun-filled launch week for the Phonak Paradise range, which offered a great opportunity for new and existing customers to trial these new advancements in the latest hearing care technology.

August: In August, we shared the benefits of Microsuction, which include a noticeable reduction in discomfort and improved hearing, as well as being completely safe and hassle free. If you feel you could benefit from Microsuction, you can contact any of our hearing Centres today. We also caught up with Lynn Williams, a happy customer at The Hearing Care Centre who is really noticing the benefits of her new hearing devices.

September: September saw us highlighting another of our brilliant manufacturers, Signia, the creators of the amazing Signia AX devices. The Signia Augmented Xperience uses revolutionary Augmented Focus™ technology to split the sound of speech from surrounding sounds. In fact, Signia AX wearers also enjoy more than 25% better speech understanding in noise than with their previous hearing aids.

October: In October, while many of us were worrying about the economy, we shared tips for saving money for looking after your hearing. Small changes such as looking after your hearing devices, keeping a close eye on earwax build up and booking in with your audiologist for aftercare, can end up saving you a lot in the long run. To learn more, read here.

November: While you might be waiting until the New Year to start a health kick, in November we discussed how changes to your diet can affect your hearing. You may be surprised to know that bananas, green veg and dark chocolate can have a positive impact on ear health, whereas very sugary or salty food can decrease your hearing capabilities. Missed this one? Click here.

December: What a busy year. All this brings us to December! We are more grateful than ever for our loyal clients who have visited us in the last year, we love seeing you all across our clinics and being able to offer you hearing solutions which make a real difference. We can’t wait to see more of you in 2023.